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Bridging The Gap

Bridging The Gap is designed to help strengthen the relationships that students have with themselves, their parents, teachers, and friends.

In this offering, young men find new ways to gain self confidence, be in service and offer support to others in their community. We share and discuss language tools that open up lines of communication when emotions arise and ways to move through difficulties.

This offering shows us how we can create a safe environment to share vulnerably and how we can be in support for one another. 

The presentation gives students, parents and teachers simple but effective communication strategies to allow our youth to process and share their emotions and struggles.

The topics covered are:

  • How to create safe spaces for real conversations 

  • The generalised stigma of man and where these stories came from

  • Breaking down / challenging societal norms  

  • The psychology of conditioning 

  • The biological need to belong and how this plays a role in support of the toxic masculine

  • Suppression vs expression

  • Non-violent communication skills 

  • Active listening skills 

  • How to hold space and truly be supportive 

  • How to break the cycle/stigma of the toxic masculine 

  • Moving forward with discussions on what it means and looks like to be a good man

    Note - Teachers and parents are encouraged to participate in this workshop. It enables us to bridge the gap and open lines of communication between all parties, strengthening essential relationships and reinforcing healthy support systems for students.