Mindfulness Meditation

This is a one hour ‘how-to’ meditation class where we unpack and explore the benefits of practicing mindfulness meditation. 

This offering looks at the positive impacts that meditation can have when implemented into ones life.

The course also includes a deep dive in emotional release and nervous system regulation, as well as a 10-minute guided meditation upon completion…

So you know exactly what to do!

These practices provide practical tools that staff can take home and revisit, giving them the opportunity to better deal with stress, anxiety, and depression when challenging situations arise. 

Benefits of learning a mindfulness meditation:

  • Gaining a new perspective on stressful situations.

  • Building skills to manage your stress.

  • Increasing self-awareness.

  • Focusing on the present.

  • Reducing negative emotions.

  • Increasing imagination and creativity.

  • Increasing patience and tolerance.s a one-hour how-to meditation class where I unpack and explain the benefits of practicing mindfulness meditation.